Modern calligraphy and custom chalkboards

If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Paris.  And I'd give tours of the famous Paris flea markets, eat baguettes without gaining weight, and wear striped shirts whilst riding a bicycle.  I'd have a tiny dog and big hair.  But not a tiny dog WITH big hair, because that would be weird.  But back to reality.


I really, really love creating beautiful hand written items for special events.  If it's special to you, it's special to me!  Whether it is a single birthday sign or wedding envelopes for 500...  I put my heart and soul into each creation.


As a mom, it's important to me to help other women. I may not be able to sew on a button or cook (other than tacos) but I can write! If my talents can help make your special event easier and more memorable, I'd love to help!



I'm a modern calligrapher, home stylist and mom to three little girls.  I love traveling, estate sales, wine and headstands.  I hate cooking so much that I once made my husband eat tacos for 30 days straight because it was the only recipe I could stomach.




Jen McDonald Calligraphy



copyright 2016

site design sara yonker creative services